Compliance Statement

Allo Escort Girls is not an escort agency. It is an advertising platform for escorts and adult services. By accessing the website (, be it browsing, visiting, or contributing content, images, and other materials, you are bound by the compliance statement.

User Confirmation

You have to be at least 18 years old or of legal age in the jurisdiction you are located. You should have the legal right to possess and/or read adult material in your jurisdiction and you are not permitted to show the material to a minor.

You agree and confirm that your use of the Allo Escort Girls website is in compliance with the laws of the jurisdiction you are subjected to and you are not prohibited from using this website.

You confirm that you are aware that Allo Escort Girls is an adult website that may contain sexually explicit materials, including audio, video, photographs, language, and other materials. You also confirm that it is not illegal to view the materials on this website in the jurisdiction you are located in.

If the use of the Allo Escort Girls website is in violation of the laws in your location, you will discharge the website, its moderators and administrators, and its owner from any liability that may arise from your use.

You agree not to download, copy, save, cut and paste, sell, license, rent, lease, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from materials, code, or content on or from the Allo Escort Girls without the prior consent of the actual owner(s) of the materials.

You understand that this website provides information about and links to adult entertainment providers. All personal and classified ads presented on this website are solely for informational purposes.

The Allo Escort Girls website or its moderators or administrators does evaluate, sponsor or endorse any of the services and services providers that appear on the site. Nor is Allo Escort Girls affiliated with them. Therefore, the website accepts no responsibility or condones or participates in any form of illegal or immoral activities. If a user finds that any site or person listed does not provide safe, lawful, or healthy services, they should notify Allo Escort Girls using the online Contact Us form.

Acceptable Use

You cannot use the Allo Escort Girls website in a way that can cause or may cause harm or damage to the website or prevent lawful access to the site.

You cannot use the Allo Escort Girls website to host, transmit, publish, distribute, or send any material that contains spyware, Trojan horse, keystroke logger, computer virus, rootkit, worm, or any other malicious software.

You cannot collect data using data harvesting, data extraction, data mining, scraping, or any other method of data collection without implicit written consent by Allo Escort Girls.

Users and Escorts

The photos and text published on the Allo Escort Girls website are provided by registered users and members of the site.

Users are not permitted to upload fake photographs. If profiles are found to be fake, Allo Escort Girls will immediately delete the account and ban the user from accessing the site. Users may have to provide verification to prove that their profile is real. The verification is for internal purposes only and will not be published.

All users have to be above the age of 18 and may be asked to prove their age if there is doubt about it. Allo Escort Girls reserves the right to refuse or delete profiles if the images published do not fall under good business practices or there are duplicate accounts of the same user.

Allo Escort Girls cannot and does not guarantee or warranty that the advertiser in the photographs or advertisement will be the same. It is the user’s responsibility to verify and perform due diligence.

Report Trafficking

Allo Escort Girls is a responsible advertisement platform and believes in raising awareness about human trafficking. If the site becomes aware of any such incident, it will cooperate with law enforcement agencies to combat this serious issue.

The website does not condone human trafficking and exploitation. Should you notice such an incident on the website, please report in writing to Allo Escort Girls.

Allo Escort Girls reserves the right to remove or edit any material submitted to the website or stored in our servers.